💔Either My Son Or Nobody!🪄 (part 1)

A girl believed she was unlucky, only to discover the cause of her misfortune.

The soft light from the lantern tinted the park's foliage a darker green. Night had not yet fallen, but the shadows were already becoming a little frightening.

In this shadow sat a black cat. Her yellow eyes were still visible in the semi-darkness. Although I always see her eyes. Day and night.

I was returning from a date. The guy I had recently met turned out to be a vulgar, ill-mannered person. We said goodbye and would never meet again. 

I was walking through the park upset and somehow down in the dumps. There was a bench on the playground and a large birch tree nearby. The birch seemed to be calling and reaching out to me with its branches.

Responding to this call, I walked up and hugged her.

Every cell of my body felt the soft bark of the birch. It seemed as if it had embraced me and we had become one being. It was quite dark in the park and the people passing did not notice me.

Have you ever heard that trees have a soul and help people? I have. They say some groups even go to the forest specifically to hug trees. 

But I want to tell you a strange story about me. 

I am 29 years old. I am a teacher. I have been working at school since I was 17. 

At that time there were no teachers in our area and I, as the best student, was immediately sent to work in village schools, where there was no one to teach.

I am 29 years old, but I don't have a boyfriend and, you could say, never had one. 

I had one friend, back when I was in school. It was a childish, naive, pure friendship. He was a tall, handsome village guy. Our parents even met because he sometimes stayed at our house if there were any holidays at school. Occasionally, his mother would also spend the night at ours. There were only two buses a day to their village, and she could not turn home.

Then we probably fought — or we just went our separate ways after school. I don't even remember. 

I started working at a school. 

Do you know what working at a school is? 

It's called “irregular working hours.” 

It means you sit there from morning until evening. And no one cares that you're young, and should be thinking about your personal life. The principal said: Today, the teachers' meeting is at 10:00 p.m. — but how you're going to get home at that time, or do you have to be there by 7:00 tomorrow, no one cares.

That's how I lived. 

Several times I met guys, but they were some troubled men. 

One, as it turned out later, cheated on his girlfriend with me. Thank God, the girlfriend either didn't know about us or didn't want to date him anymore. We broke up some months later because he loved her. And it was right, I think.

Then, I was introduced to a huge man. He was incredibly active and used to getting what he wanted right away. He was uninvited at my house, just crossed the door, he immediately started ordering my parents around. They just stood there with their mouths open from such impudence. But he decided he would live here from this moment.

We had to call the police to throw him out of the house.

The other man was very different from the others. We worked together, and probably our teachers discussed me with him.

He was a kind-hearted man. Everyone loved him. If someone needed help, everyone went to him. And he never refused anyone. My colleagues told me many times that I should marry him. But he seemed so spineless to me! What kind of man is he?

In general, yes, there were some men in my life. They even wanted to marry me. I was a beautiful girl with a somewhat adventurous, but calm and cheerful character. But our relationship never reached the wedding dress.

There was something unusual in all these relations.

That big black cat.


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