I Don't Want a Conspiracy For Death! (part 3)

Magical Witch's Conspiracy for Death must take revenge and ease the woman's hatred.

💔Either My Son Or Nobody!🪄 (part 1)

The sun was setting, as if bestowing gifts of rays on everything around.

In late spring, there are periods when the last rays of the passing day remain for those who see them.

However, the beautiful, warm evening made no impression on the woman sitting on the threshold of her house.

Children, chickens, and piglets ran around her — just a pastoral dream. But she paid no attention to anyone. Hatred was the only thing she felt now.

She was young, a little over thirty.

Raised in a peasant family and married to a wealthy peasant, she worked from dawn to dusk all her life. Her husband hired people to work in the fields, and she had to do her share of the work herself.

Yes, the house was a full cup. Canned goods for the winter, dried herbs, boxes of root vegetables - everything was always stocked up, never running out. And the smell of smoked meats, which were dried in the house in winter, was so absorbed into the walls that it simply knocked an unprepared guest off his feet.

She had already given birth to seven children for her husband. Assistants were growing up. Just as businesslike and knowing what they wanted. They would be strong masters.

But among all of them, her eldest son was her favorite. This year he graduated from school and will soon be 18.

He was handsome, tall, slender, like this poplar, smart. When she looked at him, she saw him as that knight in the picture in his school textbook. Or even better — a general in a shiny doublet with a drawn sword, calling for an attack—where is the knight!

Two years ago, at school, he started making friends with a girl. There was a military unit in the city, and the girl was the daughter of an officer from that unit. She was a beautiful girl, nothing to say, my son said that the whole school was crazy about her, but she didn't pay attention to anyone.

Of course, officers' children are spoiled, they can't do anything. But she didn't want her son to choose a peasant woman. He would become a general, like in the picture — and who else should her handsome boy become?

They were friends for two years. They were inseparable. Together everywhere. Sometimes the son was so late that he missed the last bus and walked 20 kilometers back. Then her mother found out about it and started to send him out early. Over time, they got to know each other and had a wonderful relationship.

You should have seen this couple at the prom! She bought him, her prince, the most expensive, simply gorgeous suit. How good he looked in it! And next to him, this thin, fragile girl in a flowing pink dress with a fashionable artificial flower...

Ah! How good he looked!

Now they will get married, live in the military, and he will become a general!

Yes, that's what she thought all these two years…

And they separated.

The girl went to another city: she needs to study. She will become a scientist, a brilliant future awaits her. She has no intention of getting married… Especially not to a peasant's son.

And he started drinking. He got involved with a divorced woman with three children from a neighboring farm, and they drank together. Then, one day, he crawls home, dirty, worse than the pigs in her barn, eats his fill — and drinks again…

The woman raised her head and saw her son, who, drunk again, was trying to enter the gate.

She could no longer bear this pain. She jumped up, ran into the street, rushed towards the church — and suddenly stopped.

Slowly, resisting, as if someone was pulling her on a rope, she went in the opposite direction.

At the edge of the village, right at the turn to the main road, there was a house that everyone tried to avoid. They said that an Old Believer lived in it. The house itself was almost invisible, the entire area was planted with tall trees. But the gates were large and beautiful, and from them a carefully and lovingly made path led inside.

The Old Believers were not liked in the area. They were strange people. But if you left them alone, they did not bother anyone, so everyone just tried to stay away.

And so an unknown force dragged the poor peasant woman to this house. Moreover, the gates were open and closed themselves when she went inside.

The woman, crazed with fear, suddenly found herself in a large dark room with many objects, as if the owner was a witch. A candle lit up, and it seemed to her that everything began to move.

Everything around her looked like a castle she had seen in a textbook, and she wore some incredible medieval dress. Raising her head, she suddenly saw some translucent creature approaching her. She wasn't afraid, but it was all bizarre.

“Do you want me to kill her?” she heard an echo, bouncing off all the walls and objects.

No, she should suffer all her life, like I suffer! And she should never have a husband or a permanent good relationship! If not my son, then no one!

A shining sphere appeared in the middle of the room.

The creature separated a ball from the sphere and handed it to the woman.

“Take it. Don’t be afraid. Right now, you’ll go to that girl. She’s at home. Sit on the bench and wait for her to come out. No one will see you. No one will bother you. When she comes out, push the ball toward her and say, “Here she is!” The main thing is that the ball rolls towards her! Go! Then you’ll forget everything!”

“How can I repay you?”

“I'll take what's owed to me myself!”

After some time — she didn't know how much had passed since that meeting - she was sitting on a bench opposite the entrance to the military town, and in her hands was a shining ball. It was neither hot nor heavy. It simply lay in her hands, shimmering and glowing.

The girl soon came out with a bag — probably going to the store.

The woman stood up, and pushed the ball towards the girl: “Here she is!”

The iridescent ball rolled almost to the feet of its victim and took then the form of a black cat.

The woman seeing it collapsed near the bench from an excess of feelings.

She came to her senses, sitting on the porch of her house, and there, as before, children, chickens and piglets were running around.


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